Editorial/Promotional Agreement

Sim Street Journal

Interview/Editorial Agreement

Readers seek relevance. Every avatar is a person first behind the keyboard, striving for a balance between the virtual and the real. Entrepreneurs and artists take SL seriously, as does SSJ. Bringing professional standards to the metaverse, we take great pride in offering the best publication within our abilities.

First, thank you if you have agreed to be interviewed for Sim Street Journal. To ensure that this is a win/win for both of us—that you are proud of the article and we are satisfied with its quality—please  note that we are motivated by reader preferences. We do not charge for interviews, nor are we paid to do them.

Secondly, SSJ wishes to bring the most professional and thoughtful contributors to our growing readership. To be sure that we are both happy with the results, we ask for a simple agreement from you:


Editorial Approach

1. Photos. Please see one of our issues for the magazine’s visual identity. We will shoot photos of you during the interview and of significant locations that enhance your article visually. If you have any photos that you would like to share, please let us know. Relying heavily on images, photos are mainly treated graphically.

a. Portrait. One required image is a full figure portrait of your avatar, which we generally shoot during the interview (and during performance where appropriate).

b. Location. The design does not seek to mimic visiting your location, but is an expression of your experiences.

2. Credit. Though we have questions for you to inspire dialog, you will carry the byline, so you get the credit that you deserve. Our style is not Q&A. Conversation does not translate into a magazine article, which is more formal. Editing seeks to preserve your voice, but the content will be sequenced and polished to publication quality.

3. Approval. About a week before publishing, you will receive (via e-mail) the text for your review, exported from designed pages. We need to have any changes you would like to make within about three days maximum. If we don’t hear from you, we will assume it is ok.


Promotional Collaboration

1. Kiosks. As a win/win strategy, by placing a SSJ kiosk at your property will be another reminder to potential readers.

2. Facebook. Becoming friends, LIKING, and posting an image from the issue increases both networks the fastest. In tracking readers online, half come from FB!

3. Group notices. When the magazine is released, by sending out notices to Friends Lists and Groups will help your customers/fans know you better.

4. Blog/website. Mentioning online with links to your article will increase traffic significantly. Online we can track how many readers enjoy your article. Your own connections will be the most avid first-readers because they know you. It is an opportunity for you to speak to them, especially if linked through your pages.

5. Announce. If you are a performer, mentioning your article in the magazine during performances increases readership, especially to new listeners in the audience. These fans go directly to your article and are likely to follow you.

Thank you again for collaborating on this labor of love. Gratified by our growing readership, we are thrilled to accept suggestions/comments/recommendations. Working together is a big part of what makes this job fun and meaningful. I look forward to getting to know you better, to discuss how SL has affected your lives, and to portray you to readers who will be inspired.

Eleanor Medier




creator of Sim Street Journal 

SL Profile from my real life entry:

There is little in publishing that I have not done in real life. From authoring seven published books on creativity in business, to illustrating billboards, to designing perfume logos, I love visual communication. After over twenty years working with a nonprofit trade journal, SL provides me a chance to work on a “newsstand” magazine, hence Sim Street Journal. Taking SL seriously, I seek to interview those who help to define this first truly international culture.

With a BFA in Printmaking and Art History, my passion is equal for business and for the arts. Attending post-graduate school at the Art Institute of Chicago put the world at my feet. SL puts the world in my living room. Let’s make the most of it!


Published monthly in complimentary versions: in-world and online.
The in-world magazine has more photographs.
The online magazine has additional content and functionality.

Contributions are encouraged if covering topics relevant to the real world readers.

Comments and opinions are also encouraged.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –  CONTACTS:

Sim Street Journal explores the relevance of virtual to real commerce and culture.

ONLINE: https://simstreetjournal.wordpress.com/

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/simstreetjournal

IN-WORLD: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innu/40/36/1650

MARKETPLACE: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/148961

EMAIL: simstreetjournal@gmail.com

ASN: http://www.avatarsocialnetwork.com

The Sim Street Journal explores the relevance of second to first life.
© 2013 by Eleanor Medier, Sim Street Journal. Articles cannot be reprinted without permission.