Issue 9


Sim Street Journal #9, 2014

• ready learners
• teachers as students
• future of virtual education
(Please see the in-world release for more photographs, articles, and functionality.)

Each person learns differently. Some of the greatest rewards for residents in Second Life® are to learn new skills, develop talents, and make inspiring connections. A foundation of growth is built, and combined, to form the virtual culture.

Sim Street Journal is on a quest to define that culture, through investigating the sectors that exemplify this progress. Education is one on the spear-head. In an atmosphere of enjoyable learning, the teachers do appear when the students are ready, but only when the teachers are also the students. The opportunity to bridge between educators and entrepreneurs has never been so fluid. However, entrepreneurs tend to learn in the trenches from experience. Educators present curriculum designed for their school’s strategy. The teachers are thrust into the arena of becoming entrepreneurs themselves, if using the virtual world to potential.

Entrepreneurs and Educators

So far, the entrepreneurs spawn and nurture the mainstream, while education has split off to develop its own virtual sphere. Connecting the two is a challenge because the notion of each is redefined by the format use. Both come together for using new methods, but use them very differently. What is most needed is a continuum between, rather than a disconnect, so several organizations are rising to bridge the gap. And, as in the real world, the theme of learning takes many forms.

Motivation for Learning by Eleanor Medier, publisher’s statement


The contributors in this issue each exemplify a different approach to learning and growing in virtual worlds.

• Chriscloud Loon—describes his journey of social building and entrepreneurial experimentation. The consummate host, he give advice on friendship, networking, and keeping everyone happy. Chris bridges to the real world by taking his host and DJ experience into his real life career.
A Path to Popularity

• Ferre Howlett— connects several businesses together in a supportive network. Offering translation, income producing advertising, and financial management, he has learned more about business in SL than in RL. Ferre finds a contrast with his real life where he has retired from one profession and now transitioning into a virtual one.
Patience to Grow” 

• Arkad Baxton— successfully combines more businesses than anyone. He shares his managerial approaches, marketing strategy, and relationship advice. Arkad’s Axioms” focus on development and marketing. Axioms Applied take those ideas to the next level, revealing insight that can be applied to any enterprise. Arkad has real life experience as an entrepreneur that influences his development. Finding what works in real life also works virtually, and vice versa.
“Axioms Applied” 

• Lorraine Mockford— portrays how education had adapted to an earlier SL conducive environment, to a shakeout phase, and now finding a new momentum. As one of the conference organizers, her perspective is enriched through her virtual world collaborations. As a real world instructor, she discusses the differences between the approaches and what each brings to the educational table.
Experience from Evolution” 

• Thinkerer Melville— is both the educator and the generalist. An expert in evaluating SL culture, he has a foot on each side of the education versus application line. He gives solid advice on how educators can make the best use of SL and other grids surrounding Opensim. Also exemplifying use of media, Thinkerer has a popular blog, thriving Facebook community, SL connections, and Opensim activity.
Experience from Expectations” 

• Lorraine Charron— knows what students want and ways that they learn. To match curriculum with the new medium means satisfying both the university’s requirements and the changing demands of those receiving education. She outlines the issues surrounding those adaptations as she professionally studies the results, and supports the Nursing School applications.
Experience from Integration 

• Phelan Corrimal— responds to the in-world needs of student skill-building. He describes management techniques for directing volunteers, curriculum development, in the ever-changing fast past of SL.
Experience from Adaptation” 

• Eleanor Medier— comments on the educational sector in general from the ongoing in-world investigation. Serving that industry in real life as a designer and editor, studying the educational activities online, and with publishing credentials in-world (including SSJ).
Experience through Serving

• The Aesthete & the Amateur: “Seeking Visual Enlightenment
Eleanor Medier discusses the next phase in the ongoing saga as an art critic with a review of a DanCoyote sculpture. Heavy Writer is always happy to banter the opposite point-of-view.



Enjoy different, but related, issue versions: online and in-world (available at the Second Life® SSJ office (Innu 42, 35, 1649) or download Sim Street Journal #9.
Back issues are available on MARKETPLACE).
— The in-world magazine has topics that relate to those who understand the virtual context, including photographs, parallel articles. It has tabs for information landmarks, and web links.
— The online magazine expresses what the virtual world offers the real one. It is a mirror that reflects parallel articles, hot topics, and provides more links.Contributions are encouraged if covering topics relevant to real world readers.

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Sim Street Journal explores the relevance of virtual to real commerce and culture.







Eleanor Medier (avatar of Liane Sebastian)






Liane Sebastian wears an editor’s hat, designer’s coat, and artist’s shoes.






Sim Street Journal explores the relevance of second to first life.
© 2014 by Eleanor Medier, Sim Street Journal. Articles cannot be reprinted without permission.