Magicians of Meaning


The Sim Street Journal Issue #3 • 2013

(Please see the in-world release for more photographs and articles, available on MARKETPLACE)

The virtual world demands self definition. Like living in a crystal ball, it is a purely created world that allows residents to form the world as they wish it to be. Aladan landed on the doorstep and offered not just seven wishes, but wishes granted every day! So what happens when a million people wishing to create the world as they wish come together?

The cream rises to the top. The created world ends up mirroring the real one, just without physical discomforts. Given unlimited freedom, people recreate first what they know, then what they imagine, and finally, what they dream.

The creators profiled this month each bring a magic to the stage of Second Life®. They come into the virtual world with talents and skills ready to be adapted. All offer magic to the community—from instantly appearing exhibits to smooth movements to original music, these contributors make this a world worth living in. They take advantage of what the virtual world offers to even integrate and enhance the real one.

More important to the virtual world’s vitality are readers. Because you are the reason these contributors are here, you are also the reason this magazine exists to consider the reality and meaning. As you read these pages and discover possibilities and perspectives that inspire, reflect on how the metaverse is like reality on steroids.

Watching the SSJ kiosk clicks and the readership choices, this issue presents articles to match the most popular: a comparative overview, entrepreneurial profiles, reflections of the music industry, a critique of art installations, and something new—an advice column. This created world has evolved into its own culture with rules, appropriateness, and demanding new decisions.

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The Sim Street Journal examines the relevance of this totally created world, and its potential impact, on the real one. It is impossible for so many talented, experimental, and tech savvy individuals to come together without having profound influence. Within its pages, SSJ will query what can be learned, gained, and used from the virtual commercial and cultural environments. Like its namesake, Wall Street JournalSSJ also seeks to bridge commerce and culture, but in this case, it is also between the virtual and the real.

Index of profiles, columns, and overviews:

“In-world to Out” examines why a second career is fulfilling for so many talented and visionary residents.
ISSUE 1: “Finding Purpose in the Virtual World” by Eleanor Medier
ISSUE 3: “The Best of Both” by Eleanor Medier

“Relevance Review” discovers what the virtual world has to offer the real one through sector perspectives.
ISSUE 1: “Music Renaissance” by Eleanor Medier
ISSUE 2: “Witness to the Virtual County Fair by Kalanite Bluestar
ISSUE 2: “Is the Future in the Past?” by Eleanor Medier

“Pioneer Profile” presents leading virtual entrepreneurs who reveal wisdom gained.
ISSUE 2: “Dancing with the Issues by Uzo Dayafter (Arkad Baxton)
ISSUE 3: “Quest to Do It Better” by Machess Lemton
ISSUE 3: “A Moving Momentum” by Galilla Sinatra, Rug Halberd, and Martin Yeats

“Critic’s Choice: Artist” critiques artists by experts on the streets, to reveal first and second life balances.
ISSUE 1: “Blindboink Parham Preserves Legends”
ISSUE 3: “Only of the Heart from TerryLynn Melody” by Heavy Writer and Eleanor Medier

“Critic’s Choice: Presenters” critiques venues and managers by those who know, explores the challenges, and discovers bridges.
ISSUE 1: “Crossing Culture” by Kalanite Bluestar
ISSUE 2: “Blues Hues by Kalanite Bluestar includes:
• Jaco Fitzpatrick, Crossroads
• Yanik Lytton, Fogbound
• Caylene Linette, Cay’s Blues at Woodland Lake
• Van Hoffnung, Bagdad Café on Route 66
ISSUE 3: “Supporting the Stage” by Sparkie Cyberstar

Moody’s Musical Musings” by Throughthesewalls Moody
ISSUE 1:  Preview of upcoming column.
ISSUE 2: “Economics of Musician Incomes”
ISSUE 3: “Closer though Farther

“The Aesthete and the Amateur” launches humorous gallery critiques.
ISSUE 1: “University of Western Australia 3D Art Challenges”
ISSUE 2: “Rose Theatre and Galleries exhibits”
ISSUE 3: “Arguing Abstraction” by Eleanor Medier and Heavy Writer
review 3d installations, recipients of LEA grants:
• Nino Vichan, “When the Mind’s Eye Listens”
• Cica Ghost, “Rust”
• Mantis Oh, “Ascension”

Ask Ann” advice column  that runs in each in-world issue (available from kiosks in-world and Marketplace).This content deals specifically with issues inside the culture of SL. Some of the concerns asked to Ann SLanders have equivalents in real life. Enjoy the edgy concerns that puzzle many beleaguered avatars and seek help for the most perplexing causes of drama.


Sim Street Journal: Issue #3  • Please click here to see contents.

Published monthly in complimentary versions: in-world and online.
The in-world magazine has more photographs.
The online magazine has additional content and functionality.

Contributions are encouraged if covering topics relevant to the real world readers.
Comments and opinions are also encouraged.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –  CONTACTS:

Sim Street Journal explores the relevance of virtual to real commerce and culture.







The Sim Street Journal explores the relevance of second to first life.
© 2013 by Eleanor Medier, Sim Street Journal.
Articles cannot be reprinted without permission.